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Check our map of certified DuraSlic installers to find an expert in your area. Every location on the map has been certified by DuraSlic in paint correction, coating application, and maintenance. You can rest easy knowing your ride is in great hands, and will come back to you looking better than ever! Our detailer network is a tight-knit community and will protect your ride in top-shelf chemistry. On top of that, your local detailer will educate you on how to care for your vehicle after it’s coated. Find a detailer in your area and click the orange dot or fill out the form to get started! Learn more about the benefits of a ceramic coating.

Get in Touch with a Professional Detailer

Fill out the contact form to get started. We’ll get you in touch with a certified DuraSlic Ceramic Coating installer in your area as soon as possible. You’re on your way to a new level in paint protection.